Wow. This is a difficult question to narrow down. I don't think there is one thing that one single person has told me that has helped me more than anything else. Everything I have learned from countless different people over the years has been beneficial to me in different ways. If I had to narrow it down I guess actively pursuing feedback has been the most beneficial thing I have done.
When I started working on my first feature film Ice Age: the Meltdown, most of the feedback I got was from the director and supervisors only. My work only began to grow and improve when we started doing pre-development on Horton. I had made more friends by then and I would stop by and see what other people were up to, what kind of ideas where floating around. The animators would get together in small groups and brainstorm fun ideas for different characters in the movie. It was a very exciting and eye opening time to be at Blue Sky. Everyone was forgetting about their egos and just listening to one another. When production finally started I had a completely different way of approaching a shot. I would get a shot kicked off, and after the sup or director gave his take, walk around to several different people and ask if they had any interesting ideas for it, BEFORE I started doing anything. Then I would do thumbnails or reference for it, often using others to help with reference. After narrowing down the reference and ideas, I would show a few animators the options to see what they liked. Then the best would be shown to the director and he would make his notes.
Once I did start animating, I would constantly get an animator feedback that was well suited for this type of shot or stage I was at to help. Nick Bruno and Mark Harris were great for coming up with comedy and crazy ideas. Melvin Tan was always full of gold for posing and breakdowns, and Hans or Juan Carlos helped me personally many times with adding subtle beats while splining. At one point or another I had asked for advice from every person in the department. Of course the directors and supervisors always had great feedback but every other artist around you may contribute great advice too. My best shots were the ones full of other peoples’ ideas.
I believe a shot can be a group project, a work of art that gets better with each person that puts his mark on it. Although at the end of the day you are the one doing most of the work, the final result should be a team effort. I was lucky to have a great talented team that felt like family. I know not every studio has that situation, but there are always people that can help. And you don't always have to go to who you think is the 'best.' One of my favorite stories I've heard about was when Glen Keane started at Disney, he said Ollie Johnson told him how important it was to show work or poses to others for help. Shortly after he started animating, Ollie knocked on his door and asked Glen to help him with a pose Ollie himself was struggling with and set down a "perfect drawing of Penny" for him to somehow improve. Glen proceeded to, in his own words, mangle the drawing, but Ollie still thanked him for his ideas and walked out. Whether or not Glen actually helped him is not the point, the point is Ollie was willing to go anywhere for assistance.
Now go show someone your shot!
-Guest blogger jmart (Jason Martinsen)
Can we show you our shots? haha
Great read though, I do agree that the more people see, and the more I make changes from their input, the better it turns out.
Thanks for sharing Jason.
I had never heard that Keane story. Truly humbling. And at the same time imagine the confidence you'd have to have to go to the person you are training, for help on a drawing.
Nice thx for sharing! I don't often show my shots to people... I should do it more.
It's a little bit harder while doing a TV show because we have no time for preparing the scenes... but I still should do it anyway XD
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Cara mengobati wasir dan ambeien
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obat wasir untuk ibu hamil yang amanAnda tidak dapat melakukan apapun untuk menyingkirkan wasir. Wasir sangat umum dan diperkirakan bahwa lebih dari setengah dari populasi dunia memiliki penyakit ini pada usia sekitar 50 tahun.untuk cara pemesanana silahkan kunjungblog kami
obat keluar nanah dari kemaluanYang mulanya hanya ada di sekitar alat kelamin, kemudian dapat menyebar hingga tenggorokan, mata atau rektum. Kedua, penyakit ini sama-sama bisa menular dari ibu ke bayi yang baru saja dilahirkan. untuk cara pemesanana silahkan kunjungblog kami
obat ampuh atasi wasirJika anda menderita wasir sebaiknya anda segera mengobatinya karena jika dibiarkan terlalu lama akan terjadi pendarahan yang malah akan membuat anda menjadi anemia. untuk cara pemesanana silahkan kunjungklik disin
obat keluar nanah dari kemaluanBagi anda yang belum terinfeksi dan tidak ingin terkena penyakit ini, anda bisa melakukan tindakan pencegahan yang pertama yaitu dengan memakai kondom. Kondom dapat membantu anda terhindarkan dari penyakit menular seksual, tidak hanya gonore tapi juga sipilis atau bahkan HIV/AIDS. untuk cara pemesanana silahkan kunjungblog kami
Obat Kutil Di Kelamin WanitaPengobatan yang tidak memperhatikan sampai ke akar-akarnya hanya akan membuat kutil hama tersebut akan tumbuh kembali, dan dalam hal ini adalah kutil. untuk cara pemesanana silahkan kunjungsite kami
Obat Kutil Di Kemaluan WanitaHal inilah yang menjadi penyebab kenapa akhirnya banyak penderita yang mencoba berbagai solusi pengobatan herbal dan semacamnya. untuk cara pemesanana silahkan kunjungklik disin
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