Yikes - the eyelids are a big subject! Here are some quick tips that come to mind:
3) The lower lids are not used much!
There are times when you do want to animate the lower lids, and certainly emotions where you may raise them a tiny bit to help with the expression (suspicious, confused, etc), but other than that those emotion-specific instances, you'd probably only really need to animate the lower lids when the character is blinking (nowhere near as much as the upper lids, though), smiling (real, not fake), squinting, looking up (bring them up with the eyeball a bit), or possibly for anticipation to an eye-widening or change in thought process.
Shawn :)
My guru and god "shan kelly" your trcks animation are really cooooool
this information about eyelids very
my guru and god "shan kelly" as usally your tricks about animation
coooool.information you gave about
eyelids is just fantastic.
Hi Shawn!
Great stuff, very good information about eyelids Shawn!
Have fun!
Hey Shawn, I don't know if this is the kind of question you answer on your blog, but I need to know from someone who... well, knows.
So the college I'm attending next year doesn't have an animation major (in fact, no college around here does that I know of), so what's the next best thing to study?
Something like graphic design? or film and video production?
In other words, what would look best on a resume to an animation studio?
What I have seen is, that, if you want to work in an animation studio, the best way is a small movie, which contains as many skills you have as possible. Well, it is a very long way to get all those necessary skills, and it would be rather difficult to get a job in an animation studio without a devastating presentation movie. Of course, I think you will learn more - learning by doing - but the most of those studios prefer people, they already know how to solve animation problems, because they are not interested, that you stop the other artists from working. So learn, learn and learn and prepare a 3 minute movie, which throws the audience out of their boots! This, I thnk, will be the best possibility to get into a good studio.
Good luck!
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