So the answer to this not defined, but what is certain is the fact that there is no reason you should NOT attend animation school, if you have the means to do so. Animation school is not only a place to animate, but also a place to really study the world around you. Animators are interested in many little things all around them that other people may not see. Perhaps it is the circling of a fly as it struggles against a draft, or perhaps it’s the rapid fire glances of a twelve week old puppy as she discovers the world around her. Animation school will get you to actively observe these things, and to study them, for you never know when you may need to refer back to this experience when it comes time to animate 101 young Dalmatian puppies, each discovering the world.
Our advice to you would be to try it out, and see what you think. Once you have attended a few classes, then ask yourself that question again. Do I, as an animation enthusiast, need to attend animation school? We're confident that you will be able to answer your own question.
Animation Mentor Staff
Good stuff, I will say as a student ready to graduate, to make sure you're sure the school you would go to is what you want. I attended a school that teaches you how to be a generalist. Modeling, texturing, rigging and animation. Althought this was a great learning experience. My true passion is animation, and I wish, 3/4 the way through, that I did a different school like AM. But at that point, it's better to graduate.
So, ya, just research the schools a lot because all those student loans are hard to comprehend how much you will be owing for years and years.
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