At Sony, I get to do both! For
Spider-Man 3 and
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, I was a sequence lead who manages a team but I also animate shots. Perfect! Supervising can be a very rewarding experience. I really enjoy working with the junior animators and watching them grow over the course of the show and I also take a lot of pride in shepherding a sequence through the animation department. I guess you can say it’s the best of both worlds.
Chris Williams
Hi everyone,
Thanks for the great insight. I have a question about the tools you guys use for production: What combination of input devices (mouse/keyboard, tablet/keyboard, 3D mouse/tablet, etc.) allows for the most efficient workflow? I have been animating for nearly two years with a mouse and keyboard, but have heard that other setups can increase the animation work flow. I think the obvious answer would be to find what works best for you, but some of these tools are pretty expensive, so I was hoping you could give a recommendation to get me on my way. Thanks!
The best thing to do is to find what works best for you! Most studios will provide you the hardware you need for your designated workflow (well, other than $2,000 Cintiqs) so it is up to you to experiment and find what you like the best. If you know someone with one of the input devices you mentioned, try borrowing them to test them, or go to a computer store and ask if they have some to demo. One of the most important aspects of your input device is the prevention of injury. You are going to be using these devices for 8 hours or more a day so you want to make sure long term use does not damage your hands. Most animators recommend using a Wacom tablet for this (the Bamboo can be found for a relatively cheap $80) but if you are a mouse fan try the Vertical Mouse by Evoluent. Regardless of what you use, you must remember these are just tools and no tool is going to “magically” make you a better animator. It will take practice with the tools to improve your current workflow and sometimes the biggest incentive to practice and improve your workflow is the knowledge you spent $300 on hardware that is wasted if you don’t actually use it!
Happy animating!
AM Staff
Hey Kevin...I second that. It's all about personal preference. I've been using a mouse pretty consistently and will compliment that with ergo support when needed, but it gives me pretty much everything I require. If you are a graduating student, I would say to hang tight and keep that mouse. Give yourself a chance to learn the ropes...both the technical side of using Maya..and the rigors of animation. After you log some solid hours, I think you'll come to a natural conclusion as to whether the mouse is working, or that you'd like to move on to a tablet. Bottom line, you can do some great animation no matter what tool you use. :-)
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