Now, I understand the eagerness. The shot is mapped out...you have your keys....let's get it moving!!! Well slow down there skipper. Blocking IS animating. Take a look at those keys and how much room you have between them. Guess what will happen if you convert to spline now? Yes, that's right -- Maya, the goofball inbetweener, will fill in those gaps for you in the most literal and boring way possible. God bless Maya for wanting to help, but you are better off making those decisions yourself.
Once you have your key poses in blocking, take another pass adding some breakdowns. How will you transition from one pose to the next? Make decisions up front..you can tweak later if you must. The more decisions you can make while in stepped, the less mess you will have to deal with later.
Guest Blogger Ray Chase
As a beginning animator, I have been surprised at how my super-sweet blocking pass turns to crap when I throw it into linear or spline. I mean, smooth animation is supposed to be better, right? Well, lesson learned. The more that's laid down in blocking, the less breakdown that will happen in spline. This is a valuable point. Thanks for underscoring it.
Yep yep, this article is a perfect addendum to our current Class 2 workflow video.
For me, breakdowns are a must. Otherwise, I get the biggest migraines ever. Plus they give me an indication on how to space the shot better.
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