My interview with ILM was a bit strange because I wasn't actually there to do it in person. I was in Tennessee at the time, which is a bit far from San Francisco. So, they decided to have a phone interview with me.
The interview started with everyone introducing themselves to me, at which point I realized I was in a conference call with anywhere from four to seven people. It's kind of a blur now, but from what I remember the group consisted of a couple of the recruiters, the associate animation supervisor for Transformers 2, the animation supervisor, possibly a producer for the film (can't remember for sure), and Shawn Kelly who was nice enough to be there for moral support. Fortunately, they couldn't see my hands shaking or how I was pacing around the room.
Once the formalities were over, the real interview began. They started by asking about my workflow and how I approach shots. They were especially interested in whether I used video reference and how I plan my animation. Letting them know that I use video reference when starting nearly every shot I do definitely put me on their good side... just a little tip.
The next batch of questions focused on what types of animation I was comfortable with, where I felt I could use improvement, and what types of animation I hoped to do in my career. I was honest with them about areas that I felt I was less confident in without making myself seem inept. I also stressed to them how excited I was about animation, and that I had a huge drive to want to tackle those areas of inexperience. I told them that, at the time, I was more versed in body mechanics than I was with facial performances. They asked me which I would choose if I was given the opportunity to animate either a body mechanics focused shot or a mostly facial performance acting shot. I told them that on a movie like Transformers I was of course hoping to animate some crazy action scenes, but at this point in my career, I would choose the acting shot because it had the most potential to improve my skill set as an animator. I think that was the right answer.
I made it very clear that I wanted to learn as much as I could about all areas of animation and had no desire to be typecast into only the things I was already comfortable with. They asked me if I was interested in "hard surface" animation, to which I replied "umm.... what?" So, after laughing at me and being reminded of just how green I really was, they explained that it meant things like cars, planes, boats, etc. Fortunately, most companies that hire recent graduates are aware that you don't have years of experience under your belt, and a lot of what they are looking for is potential and drive. I definitely wanted to sell myself to them in the interview, but I was also very careful to be honest and not make any claims I couldn't back up. Besides, if I tried to misrepresent my skill set and was hired, it could only end in failure if my work didn't live up to the hype. Basically what I'm saying is, don't try it. I've heard stories of guys that have, and it usually doesn't end well.
Next, they asked if I was excited about Transformers 2. I proceeded to go mega-geek on them and explain the toy collection of my youth and my enjoyment of Leonard Nimoy's voice performance as Galvatron in the 80's Transformers movie. Shawn Kelly was actually the person who told me to not be afraid of being enthusiastic. He said that dorking out over a project was actually preferred, and that nothing was worse than an interviewee who seems uninterested. So I let loose with some enthusiasm, and fortunately he had given me good advice. So listen up when the man writes a blog post... it may get you a job.
After that they let me ask any questions I had. I was too afraid of asking something stupid, so I declined. They uttered the greatest string of syllables that I had ever heard in my 26 years of living: "Can you start on Monday?"
Alumnus Guest Blogger Travis Tohill
Big Congrats man! an inside scoop on ILM interview¿? Boy are we lucky or what?
Yay! So happy for you Travis! It's always insightful and fun to read about interviews and what to expect. Thanks for sharing. :)
Great post. Very inspiring. Thanks for sharing and CONGRATS!
@ Pierre:
Thanks so much for the friendly comment! Hopefully you'll now have an edge on the competition :)
@ Teresa: Hey Teresa!! Glad to see a familiar face on here. I hope all is going well for you and you'll have to let me know what you've been up to lately. Thanks for checking out the post!
@ Joe:
Thanks Joe. I'm glad you enjoyed it, and I hope it can help at least a little in the future. Happy animating!!
Great read, thanks for sharing!:) It`s always good to know more from insiders:)
Woow ... very nice man!
And he's been kicking butt ever since!
Congrats Travis.....Best of luck
What a great post! Very insightful. Thanks for sharing!
wow! Congrats! That is the coolest interview story I have ever heard. Good luck Travis!
Dude that is great, killer story to share about your interview!
Thanks for taking the time to Share your experience! Congrats, I hope you are having a blast :)
Thanks everybody! It has been absolutely amazing working here, and hopefully they'll keep me around for a long time to come.
Now if they would only move my desk a bit further from Mr. Haas it would be the perfect job ;)
Actually JD was the first lead I ever had... memories.
If anyone has any questions about interviews or the hiring process that I didn't touch on in the blog feel free to ask away!
I can imagine what did you feel :)... hmm it's good idea for some animation shot :D. Congratulation! Thanks.
Memories indeed! And yes, Travis does sit a bit close... I can see his head over the cubicle walls, even though he's sitting.
Thanks for the post! It is always a treat to hear how people made it into our favorite studios. Keep up the great work its very inspiring.
Respect!!!:) hope to have a chance like yours :) congratulation!!!
That's so awesome!! So did they relocate you to the area?
They Actually did help relocate me Josh. I was still in TN at the time and was supposed to start work 5 days after the interview. In most cases people have more time to move, find a place, and settle in, but I was hired at the last minute. Fortunately they were nice enough to help me find an apartment to stay in while I was on Trans 2.
From what I was told I set a new record for shortest amount of time between being interviewed and starting work. I'm not sure that is actually any sort of an accomplishment, but I'll take it :)
Travis! That post was inspiring!
Believe it or not, but my first words after i finished reading were "gosh! awesome!" and "geile siech!" (wich is swiss german and means... youre the man!) :-) and you definitely are THE man!
Thanks for that thrust of motivation :-)
Haha, thanks Lukas! I don't know about calling me the man, but I'm glad to hear that it pumped you up a bit.
Keep on setting those keys!!
Congratulations Travis!
Glad to hear the hard work at Animation Mentor paid off.
It must have been weird to have Shawn Kelly on the other end of the phone as well.
Ah those four immortal words: "Can you start Monday?"
What a brilliant achievement.
All the best.
wow! this is an amazing post! congratulations!
Great post Travis! really helpful, and congrats for landing a job at ILM!
I was wondering how was the application process, did you apply through the website, or did you meet a recruiter in a event such as siggraph?
Congrats! So I was wondering if two people apply for the same job and one was slightly more talented but the other one knew people that worked at the studio who do you think would get the job?
Awesome story Travis. Thanks for giving us some interview tips! I am also very interested in hearing about what you did prior to the interview stage.. Thanks for sharing.
@Phil Willis:
Hey Phil! Thanks for the comment! It was pretty awesome and a bit intimidating to have Shawn in the group on the other end of the phone. He gave me some really great advice when I met him at graduation about how to handle the interview, and it was insanely nice of him to sit in on it. Now he's the animator two desks over with the awesome GI Joe collection. Crazy :)
@Jorge Garcia:
Thanks! Glad you liked it
Actually, I never really went through the application process. One of the great things about Animation Mentor is that companies will check out demo reels sometimes through the school. So ILM saw my work without me even knowing about it! I went to AM's job fair the day before my graduation and when I went up to the ILM desk they knew who I was!! Best surprise I've ever had.
Normally though you would fill out the application forms through the website (they can't look at your reel otherwise) and then send in your demo by mail.
Thanks for reading the post!
@Jeremy Jutras:
That's a tough question Jeremy. It really would come down to the situation. If an animation supervisor had worked with someone in the past then it could be an advantage for that person. Not necessarily because of favoritism, but because the anim supe would already know from experience that the candidate was reliable. However, I can tell you that even with the recommendation of an employee, if someone doesn't have a demo reel that shows the quality ILM is looking for it won't matter.
So, I guess what I'm saying is that someone who knows people in the company from working with them will definitely be able to get there demo seen, but it really comes down to the work in the end. I'm assuming that most other major studios would be the same as here as well.
For your second question, I'm guessing you're asking how I got the interview. I told the story in my answer to Luisk above, but basically I worked really hard in school and just had a huge stroke of luck to get this opportunity. If that's not what you were asking then feel free to let me know and I'll try to give you a better answer :)
Thank you for sharing! Great story!
Thanks for sharing that experience, very enlightening.
just the answer I was looking for, thanks Travis!
Thanks so much for sharing that great story, Travis - and congrats on the awesome gig! I'd love to know what kind of shots were on the demo reel. You said they viewed it through the AM site, was it all AM work at that point or had you filled it in with personal side projects as well?
@Clinton and Herman G:
No problem guys... thanks for checking it out!
Glad to help :)
Hey Jameson! Thanks for the congrats! My reel was honestly very short, only about 30 seconds. I only had two pieces on it:
1)One was a mime doing a way over the top rope pulling antic
2) The other was a piece I animated to an audio clip from 40 Year Old Virgin of a guy sitting at a bar and griping about an ex.
My goal was to have a piece that emphasized body mechanics and a piece that emphasized dialogue and acting. For visual effects houses like ILM your reel has to show strong body mechanics. Frankly, I would have put more, but none of my other work was up to snuff. A lot of people have great work from early on in AM... I wasn't one of those people :)
If you are iffy about a shot it should not go on your reel. Only put your best work, even if your demo ends up being fairly short. Also, don't put things like a bouncing ball or your early school exercises unless you have something truly incredible. They may be beautifully executed, but major studios want to see fleshed out character animation.
An animator from Blue Sky told me that my demo reel was helped by not only the work that I put on it. It was also the fact that they could tell that I was able to filter out work of mine that wasn't good enough. He said that a big mistake a lot of young animators make is to try to put a lot of work that isn't bad, but isn't great on their reel to make it longer. Instead of helping them though, it makes it seem like they aren't great at judging animation.
If you've been working for 10 years in the industry and only have a 60 second reel, then companies may wonder why you don't have more work to show. If you are fairly new to the industry and trying to get in, always favor quality over quantity. Of course if you have 2 minutes of work that you think is spectacular, then absolutely use it. I think somewhere in the 45 to 60 second range is fairly safe for someone coming out of school. 30 seconds is definitely running the risk of being too short, but if it is amazing work then it still might get you the interview.
To quote the mighty Shawn Kelly: "30 seconds of awesome crushes 2 minutes of ok."
Epic thread! Thanks, Travis!:)
@ Paweł Świerczyński:
Hey, thanks! I've never been one to mind chatting about animation. Maybe I'll get better at this and be able to get my point across without being so long winded ;)
Thanks for the great response, Travis (I echo Pawel's thoughts exactly)!
Tell Shawn I say hi - and watch out for moths in those cereal boxes! ;-)
Huge congrats, what an amazing opportunity - I confess I'm a little jealous. Thanks for the blog though, it was interesting to read what they actually ask you in these interviews. Best of luck with it :)
hi man,
Now working for tv series with very very tight deadline, crazy deadline.
So, i can not doing my best stuff , detailing some movement etc, in other words , my works are so-so quality.
My question is, do i need to put this on my reel to proof that i've experienced working in production.Or i just put my best personal work (which is have more time to create the best shot) ?
the point is, i want to proof that i've experience in production but without sacrifice with sending poor quality showreel.
Sorry for my poor english :)
@ angga:
Hey there, no worries about your English. It's the only language I speak and I'm still no good at it :)
That's a really good question that I know a lot of people in your situation face.
I personally wouldn't put any of those shots on your reel if you don't feel they are your best work. I know you want to prove you've worked in a production environment, but that is what the resume can do for you. Also, if the company likes your reel and asks why you don't have more of your production work on there, you can always then explain your situation to them.
Your demo reel is your first impression and you want it to wow them. Really great personal work will always win out over mediocre animation done for a production.
So the short answer is, don't use your demo to prove how much production experience you have. Use it to show how well you can animate.
Hope that helps, and best of luck!!
Hi travis, thank you for your answer.
it helps me. yes, i will put my best work only.
Congratulations! Useful tipps there!
Man "can you start on monday"... so cool :D
And Shawn Kelly as your backup, wow your so lucky :)
Hey Travis...
Nice to read about your story..!!
Very much Inspiring..
Thanks for sharing.
And Happy for the great achievement by you after your interview...
Hope i would come-up in my interview.
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