Never stop being a student! School is only the beginning of this life long journey as an animator. So continue learning, reading, checking out blogs, critiquing friends’ work, doing animation tests... even after you land a job! Also, do your best to always have a personal project in the works and work on it when you can. Working professionally is AMAZING, but keep in mind that you are helping someone else's idea come to life. So having your own thing on the side will keep your own creativity flowing, not to mention extra practice without the pressure of a deadline.
Networking. We hear this over and over again, but it’s true. Stay in touch with your classmates. See what they are up to, what they are working on or share something interesting you came across. Get some critique sessions going! Things like this will keep you excited and inspired.
Get out there and enjoy life! Ok, you just worked your butt off to graduate. And you might feel like you need to get a job right away. But make sure you take some time to yourself to recover. Relax a bit! Catch up on things you have been putting off. Go say hi to your Mom and Dad. Travel somewhere you have always wanted to go! Once you get a job, you will be busy again -- maybe even busier then you were as a student. We are passionate animators, but don’t forget that there are so many amazing things to this life. And all of these things help us to be better animators and contribute to keeping our ideas fresh!
Guest Blogger Jess Morris
I really like the traveling part, I hope to do this once I graduate.
this post is really helpful, probably my favorite yet!
You're always a student - so the next big thing after graduating is: find your next group of mentors and teachers.
This can be at your first job, or through industry contacts or students or alumni, but you need to identify the things you still need to learn and who can help.
Also - I'd suggest you keep in touch with newer students who are still studying and do what you can to help them out too.
All the best
I'd agree with everything that's said here - never stop learning, keep in touch with the good people you meet along the way, and don't forget that to best create life in your animation, you have to have lived one too.
(That's a Brad Bird paraphrase on the end there - nerd citing his references and all)
awesome advice as always jess! But what was the secret to your success after graduating? I'm scared that after I finish AM im not going to be able to find work anywhereeeee and ill be stuck in my parents' attic until im forty-seven-and-a-half years old! (im currently 20 :P) Do you have any advice on who to talk to after graduation, once I have a solid reel in hand? Like, will recruiters find me if my work is good enough, or do i have to make it rain demo reels to get someone to notice me? haha
Thanks everyone for checking out my post and leaving your comments!
And great added advice Phil and sketch-seven! "To best create life in your animation, you have to have lived one too.." I love that!
Nathan - Secret to my success? There is no secret! I truly did my best during school - gave it my absolute all, took in all advice, gave as much as I could - and the job kind of just happened after. I was lucky it happened so quickly.. some say luck has nothing to do with it, but since I know timing has a lot to do with studios and hiring - I know I got lucky I was what Tippett was looking for at that time. I think as long as you focus on getting better then you were the day before and not worry about the J-O-B, the job will eventually come. Maybe not right to you, but when you are ready to apply your passion and the skills you have learned will definitely show.
I loved your post.
I am one of the few few lucky people who got a job just as i graduated and i've loved every single second of it but as much as animation is one of my biggest loves in life, i've always wanted to travel.
I'm getting to the stage where i'm ready to change jobs and an opportunity has come up for me where i could travel for a year and a bit.(i'd still be drawing and animating on the way)
As animation professionals i was wondering if anyone had any insight into whether this would hinder my return back into the industry ?
would you consider someone who'd travelled a flight risk?
Hi Tania (MarshmellowPenguin)!
I think as long as you leave on good terms, keep on animating and staying fresh you shouldn't have any problem getting back into the animation industry. I have seen people do this before and get back in no problem. People travel, have babies, need to take time of for whatever reasons.. People/studios understand this. Life happens! I think all they care about if they want to work with you again and bottom line: how's your animation?
Best of luck!
Awesome advice!
"Never stop being a student!"
" So having your own thing on the side will keep your own creativity flowing, not to mention extra practice without the pressure of a deadline."
are my favorite parts of the post. I was wondering how to always have the creative juices flowing.
Hi Jerry!
Thanks for reading my post, I am glad you took something from it!
You asked: How to keep your creative juices flowing? This is a great question! I think this is a little different for everyone. You just have to find what works for you!
Time and time again I found myself trying to come up with the best ideas so I could get my dream job.I was putting too much pressure on making something AWESOME and in the process I stressed myself out way too much and couldn't come up with one single idea that I liked. This is the most frustrating feeling! I am sure most, if not all of you, have shared this feeling at one time or another.
So I had to take a step back. I stopped thinking about animation, my dream job and these great ideas I was supposed to come up with to get me there. I caught up with my family, hung out with my friends. I went hiking, watched some new movies I had been meaning to watch. And before I knew it I was getting so many ideas I had to start making a list! I had tapped into my creative juices by living life! (WHO KNEW!?) And now I not only had more ideas that I could animate, but I was excited! And when we get excited about doing something - it becomes fun! And not stressed, like I was feeling when I was trying to force it.
I hope this helps!
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