Interviews early in one’s career are extremely nerve wrecking. At least they were for me! My palms would get sweaty, I would have to take deep breaths, my voice would get shaky, I would forget simple things like why I loved animation. But let me tell you, it does get easier. I promise! Nerves will still be there because you really want the job, but it becomes more of a conversation rather than you feeling interrogated. And I only felt interrogated because I made myself feel that way.
Everyone I ever interviewed with was extremely nice, down to earth and easy to talk to. I was just too caught up in answering questions exactly how I had written them out before the interview. I was too much in my head trying to find the words; I never really gave myself a chance to just talk with them. As soon as I got over that, most of the nerves went away. I am still nervous until the point when I get into the room to interview, but as soon as I meet everyone and start talking I feel a lot more relaxed. Most studios are really good about giving a tour first which always helps as well.
I have had two big interviews at film studios so far. The first one was a phone interview with Tippett Studio, and later that year was an onsite interview with Industrial Light & Magic (ILM). I was nervous of course, but I ended up feeling relaxed and comfortable throughout both. Surprisingly, I was more nervous during the phone interview since my voice and words were all they could go off of. At least in person if I was quiet after a question they could see I was thinking, whereas on the phone I felt like I had to answer quicker so they didn't think I wasn't listening or spacing out!
Here are some things I learned about interviewing:
- Always walk in with a resume portfolio. It’s pretty much a fancy folder. I put some extra resumes in there, my demo reel and business cards. Most of the time I don’t need any of these things, but there was one time they couldn’t find my demo and having it on hand helped. I also put a pad of paper in there with any questions I have about the position, project or company. I also have a pen to jot down any notes that come up during the interview. All of this makes me feel super prepared and eases some of my nerves.
- Research. I always do as much research as I can before the interview. I often find I don’t always know as much as I thought I did and more times then not have been things brought up during the interview. This also helps me feel more prepared.
- Don’t overdo it, but dress nicer than a t-shirt and jeans. I know at some places in our industry, what you wear during an interview doesn’t matter. Even so, I still like to put in a little more effort than my usual day. I find that if I look professional when I look in the mirror, it helps me feel a little more professional overall.
- Ask questions. Asking questions lets interviewers know you are really interested. I am not telling you to fake it if you aren’t interested, but if you really are, don’t hold back. I am sure they will be more than happy to answer any questions you have. So don’t be shy!
Guest Blogger Jess Morris
thanks you Jess! lot of us had or will walk in the hall to the interview's room and your tips are very useful for everyone who want to feel confident about what will happen in the interview.
thanks again!
this was really helpful! I'm probably going to see this post before my next interviews, so i can remember everything. Is good to know i'm not the only one to get into system heat warning before a interview :P
Great post!
Thanks for the advice Jess! I'm almost done with AM, and then the job hunt will begin! I will keep this post in mind when I go in for my first interview as an animator! ;)
Thank you Ma'am...
I'm working on my dialogue-shot and this TIPS will help me when i'll go for my first interview..... :)
Actually, some of my friends who were gone through interviews, sometimes they had come through a tricky question "How much salary do u expect from us". Obviously at that particular time job is the most important thing & we're not thinking about that one, but they tricked us by asking that question,i don't know how to overcome on that situation......
It's looking scarier for SCHAR by the hour...even scarier for JEB.
( treason)
I am so happy to hear this post was helpful! Any other advice people have I hope they comment and add to the list!
Parag: The salary subject is a great question. I unfortunately don't have a good answer for this.. Does anyone out there have any advice on how to handle salary expectations during an interview?
In my experience salary hasn't come up until after the interview and over email with their offer letter. So its a little less on the spot, which is nice. Just in case you are asked during the interview I would have some kind of number or range in mind. You are probably in the same boat I was and have no idea what you are worth. I ended up asking a friend that is in the industry what he thought I should be getting paid. He gave me a good idea and I was confident in letting the studio know what I would like to get paid.
Know your worth, and realistically. Be confident in your work and don't low ball yourself. But also don't ask for so much that you are insulting the studio. It's tricky, I know..
I hope this helps!
Thank you for your reply ma'am....
yes it's surely help.... :)
Thank you :)
thanks jess :)
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